Wednesday, July 26, 2006

continental nights

i just returned from my 3rd 7pm-7am shift at s.c. johnson, a family company. and let me tell you, it is a family company! essentially everyone i worked with were kids of other workers there. of course, would they put the honest-to-allah, bonafide, full-benefit workers on nights if they could help it? i wouldn't want to have that shift if i was working there as a career. hm, actually i don't think i'd like working there as a career at all, full stop.

when autumn's brother skye heard i was working there, he blurted "how did you get a job there!" it is difficult to get in there though, and they get paid a lot of money to sit around and be bored on an incredibly inefficient production line. apparently skye'd drop any other job to work at s.c. johnson. oo, ah! the factory life!

thankfully, i'm finished there. no more scented candles for me, i'll go back to making websites, thanks. or maybe lifting/trimming playground equipment--that bel-air factory was alright.

i think that before going to bed i'm going to do a little apartment shopping. it appears autumn and i will be situating in brantford post-wedding, at least for a while.



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